Frequently asked questions
Training courses: types and modes of use
Fruition of digital products
To view purchased content (even in the case of a €0 purchase), you need to log in to by clicking on the “MY COURSES” button and entering your credentials (email and password); each piece of content may consist of one or more lessons, depending on the topics covered.
Use of classroom courses
Classroom courses are in-person classes held at various locations throughout Italy. They may be given by foreign speakers (in which case consecutive translation is provided) and include practical exercises and/or wine tastings. Material on the topic covered is made available in the “MY COURSES” area in the days after the course is held. Such material may consist of the slides projected during the course in the original language, and any articles and other in-depth content.
Fruition of live webinars
The live webinar is a tool that allows interaction with the speaker through question time: in order to participate, an email is sent with all the details for connection. For some types of webinars, recordings will be available and will be posted in the weeks following the date of the event in the “MY COURSES” section.
Purchasing Procedure
Dati di fatturazione
The courses are created and marketed by the company Vinidea srl based in Ponte dell’Olio, Piazza 1° Maggio 20, tax code and VAT number: 01286830334.
Sconti per associazioni convenzionate
Members of SIVE – Italian Society of Viticulture and Enology, Infowine Premium subscribers and members of VINIDEA affiliated Associations can access discounts on products/services offered by VINIDEA.
Click here to subscribe to Infowine Premium; if you are already a subscriber, wrtie to to receive the discount code.
Click here to sign up to SIVE (annual fee of €60, free membership for students and recent graduates); if you are already a member, write to to receive discount code.
Below is the list of other entities affiliated with VINIDEA and their contact from which you can request the discount code:
Per i soci Assoenologi (AEI), inviare una email a
For members of the Association of Italian Professional Enotecari (AEPI), send an email to
For members of the Italian Professional Sommellerie Association (ASPI), send an email to
Per gli appartenenti al Biodistretto della Valpolicella, inviare una mail a
Per l’associazione Donne della Vite, inviare una mail a
Per il Movimento Turismo del vino Lombardia scrivere a
For ONAV members, send an email to
Discounts apply only to fees for classroom courses and live webinars.
Crediti professionali e attestato di partecipazione
Assoenologi credits
For years, there has been a close collaboration with this association, which allows us to secure educational credits for our classroom courses and live webinars.
The number of credits varies according to the type of event and is specified from time to time in the event description along with how to apply.
Professional Order of Agronomists and Foresters (Ordine Professionale Agronomi e Forestali ) credits
Certificate of Participation
VINIDEA is not accountable for the timing of recognition of educational credits. For any inquiries, the person concerned should refer to the secretary of their institution.
VINIDEA will not be held responsible for incorrect or incomplete information communicated by interested parties for the purpose of the recognition of training credits, nor if such information, although correct and true, should be communicated in a manner different from that made explicit in the descriptions of the training events.
Attestato di partecipazione
All participants in our classroom courses will receive a certificate of attendance delivered in hard copy on the day of the course.
Participants in live webinars and e-learning courses will find information on how to obtain a certificate of attendance in the description of the webinar/videocourse they wish to purchase.
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