Wine aging
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Protein extracts of Andean pseudocereals as alternative fining agents for red wines
Liudis Pinos-Ramo | University of Talca, Chile
Fermentation Problems and How to Avoid Them
Dominique Delteil | Consultant international oenologist, former scientific director of ICV
Good Oxygen Management Practices to Improve Wine Sensory Profile
Dominique Delteil | Consultant international oenologist, former scientific director of ICV
Most recent advances in sparkling wine production
Daniela Fracassetti | Università di Milano
Sparging of wine: don’t stress
Wessel du Toit | Università di Stellenbosh – Sudafrica
The role of Nitrogen and Copper in the prevention and treatment of wine reduction off-flavour
Marco Li Calzi | Enolfactive, Italy
Innovative methods of extracting mannoproteins from lees and accelerating autolysis
Alberto De Iseppi | Università di Padova; Antonio Morata | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
The effect of CMC and sucrose addition at dosage stage on the foam of sparkling wine
Matteo Marangon | Università di Padova
Modelling of phenol distribution and oxygen permeation of oak casks
Antonio Tirelli | Università di Milano, Italia
Wine-Oxygen-Antioxidants: How to address more effectively the winemaker choices
Piergiorgio Comuzzo | Dipartimento di Scienze Agroalimentari, Ambientali ed Animali, Università di Udine, Italia